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Understanding Anorexia: Causes and Treatment Options

Understanding Anorexia: Causes and Treatment Options

Understanding Anorexia: Causes and Treatment Options

Anorexia is an Annoying Problem for These Reasons

The problem of anorexia is no less important than the problem of suppressing appetite. While many women search for effective methods to suppress appetite to get rid of excess weight; Others suffer from anorexia, which may sometimes indicate that they have other health problems that they are not aware of.

Since anorexia may be caused by health and psychological reasons; Therefore, we will focus in the coming lines on listing the reasons in detail, and presenting the best methods to deal with this problem in a healthy and sound manner, based on the recommendations of internal and gastrointestinal diseases consultant Dr. Rawya Khater from Cairo.

Significant Health Reasons

  • Pregnancy.
  • Allergies.
  • Asthma.
  • Diabetes.
  • Stress.
  • Food poisoning.
  • Heart diseases.
  • Hormonal imbalances.
  • Side effects of the medication.
  • Colds and influenza.
  • Respiratory infections.
  • Bacterial or viral infection.
  • Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
  • Chronic liver or kidney disease.
  • High levels of calcium in the blood.
  • HIV and AIDS.
  • Underactive thyroid or hypothyroidism.
  • Hyperthyroidism or hyperthyroidism.
  • A hormonal condition known as Addison’s disease.
  • Digestive system problems such as: constipation and stomach upset.
  • Gastrointestinal diseases, such as irritable bowel syndrome and Crohn’s disease.

In addition to these aforementioned conditions, loss of appetite is a common side effect of many medications, such as:

  • Tranquilizers.
  • Immunotherapy.
  • Chemotherapy.
  • Some antibiotics.
  • Radiation therapy to the stomach area.

Psihcological Causes Have Indirect Negative Effects

Dr. Rawya added that psychological factors and mental health conditions can have a significant impact on appetite. Most often, the following conditions may lead to a loss of desire for food:

  • Depression.
  • Anxiety.
  • Sadness.
  • Panic attacks.
  • Stress.
  • Eating disorders, such as bulimia or anorexia nervosa.

Scientific Facts About the Problem of Anorexia… Pay Attention to Them

It is worth noting that anorexia may be more common in older people, due to the increased use of medications and changes in the body with age, which can affect the digestive system, hormones, and sense of taste or smell.

Effective Methods to Treat the Problem of Anorexia

According to Dr. Rawya, persistent loss of appetite can lead to rapid weight loss and malnutrition, so it is important to discover the real reason behind its occurrence, especially if it lasts more than a few days, because this may be an indication of serious diseases. Therefore, the following ideal solutions must be followed:

  • Seek a doctor’s help if you notice any other symptoms besides loss of appetite, such as: “stomach pain, fever, shortness of breath, cough, fast or irregular heartbeat.”
  • Do not delay in doing the tests that the specialist doctor will order, whether “blood tests, x-rays of the abdominal area, or endoscopy.”
  • Refrain from taking medications or natural recipes to increase appetite on your own; Treatment for anorexia varies depending on the causes of the disease, so it is recommended to go to the doctor, especially if you suffer from other symptoms.
  • It is useful to increase the number of meals you eat during the day, but make sure to eat a small amount at each meal instead of forcing yourself to eat large quantities during the three main meals.
  • Make your main meals particularly rich in calories and protein to ensure that your body gets plenty of nutrients and energy.
  • You can eat your favorite meals with friends or those close to your heart, in order to overcome the problem of anorexia in a new way that improves your health and mood indirectly.
  • There is no harm in visiting a nutritionist to determine which foods are appropriate for your body type and health condition to restore your appetite in a healthy and sound way.
  • Add herbs, spices or other flavors to your main meals; Because it encourages eating more easily; It may make eating meals more enjoyable.
  • Regularly exercise, as recent studies have shown that it may contribute to feeling hungry and restoring appetite as much as possible, especially if you suffer from it due to psychological factors in particular.
  • Do not hesitate to go to a psychiatrist if depression or anxiety causes you to lose your appetite. Psychological treatments and sometimes antidepressants can help restore appetite.


In conclusion, anorexia is a common problem that can be caused by various health and psychological factors. It is important to seek medical help if you experience persistent loss of appetite, as it may be an indication of a serious disease. By following the methods mentioned above, you can overcome the problem of anorexia and improve your overall health and well-being.


Q: What are the common causes of anorexia?

A: The common causes of anorexia include health and psychological factors, such as pregnancy, allergies, asthma, diabetes, stress, food poisoning, heart diseases, hormonal imbalances, and medications.

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Q: What are the symptoms of anorexia?

A: The symptoms of anorexia may include loss of appetite, unintentional weight loss, difficulty swallowing, nausea, fatigue, and bad mood.

Q: How can I treat anorexia?

A: Treatment for anorexia varies depending on the causes of the disease. It may involve taking medications, undergoing endoscopy, or eating smaller, more frequent meals to restore appetite.

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