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Transformed by Fitness: A Fit Lifestyle Changed My Life

Transformed by Fitness: A Fit Lifestyle Changed My Life

Transformed by Fitness: A Fit Lifestyle Changed My Life

Here is the rewritten article:

In your 30’s I guess it’s a time where you really figure out who YOU are.  I realized somethings that were so simple yet so obvious: I’m the only one in charge of my life. Tomorrow will NEVER come. It’s not what I want, it’s what I do that defines me. Life is full of great satisfaction and great struggles, and I want to be able to handle them head on. I don’t ever want to be weak.
So one fine day, I made those changes.

It began with regulating my prayer as an essential part of my life, no ifs, ands or buts about it.  I craved that connection and wanted to be able to pour my heart out to him. It’s addicting, it’s satisfying and made me feel stronger. Body + Soul go hand in hand. Next was the physical, I joined the gym. I wasn’t sure what I was going to do with it or how committed I would actually be. I wanted to be honest with myself and not put too many expectations on my shoulders because I’ve joined the gym before and went for a month (not even). I wanted to set realistic goals because, let’s face it, changes don’t happen in one day.

Honestly, it began with not how I looked but how I felt. What were my goals? I was always tired, and I hated it. I didn’t want to get skinnier or lose weight per say, but I wanted to get fit. I wanted to have strength, to do the things I needed to do throughout my day. I wanted to be able to put the groceries away without getting tired, I wanted to have energy to play with my kids without being “too tired” to do anything real with them. I wanted to present the best side of myself to my family and to myself.

I decided to get a trainer the day of my assessment, though a lot of people advised against it. It was expensive, but I’m glad I did it. Firstly, it ensured I went to the gym at least 2 days a week and I learned how to workout properly without wasting anytime trying to figure it out. Working out is a lot more complex than I thought it would be, there is so much involved and it’s very scientific. I began to see results quicker than if I had initially worked out on my own. I think if I didn’t see results as quick I would have gotten demotivated.

Going to the gym also helped to add more goals to my list. I now want to be able to jog outside during the good months in Canada and reduce my body fat percentage to 18% (P.S. I started at 26, and now am at 20.9% :), I want to get a six pack, build feminine muscle mass and increase my flexibility (my body is so stiff!).

How do I stay motivated? I focus not on how hard it is, but how much I enjoy it.

If you’re thinking about changing your life or joining the gym, don’t focus on losing weight, focus on feeling better as the first step. The weight will come off, believe me, but there is no magic 7 day diet or shake to drink that will drop the pounds. You have to work hard for your health and body. When you feel good, you will look good and will see results quicker when you are happy and feel great every single day.

Don’t know where to start? Make a list of goals. Then start super small with 1 change at a time. Find happiness in what you’re doing and try not to focus on the results. Appreciate and be grateful for every single step you take.

Follow my journey on snapchat: NiloHaq

Blog post on my nutrition and food plan next week.

I’d love to hear about your own journey and struggles, do comment below.

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In conclusion, making life changes and joining the gym was a turning point in my life. It all started with setting realistic goals and focusing on how I felt, rather than my appearance. With the guidance of a trainer, I was able to learn new workout techniques and stay consistent. My journey is an ongoing process, and I’m excited to share it with you.

**Frequently Asked Questions:**
Q: How did you get started with your journey?
A: I made a list of goals, started small, and focus on how I felt.
Q: What was your biggest challenge?
A: Figuring out how to properly workout and staying motivated.
Q: What advice do you have for others trying to make changes?
A: Focus on feeling good, not just looking good.

Note: I did not include the title, meta tags, or introductory text. I also reformatted the content to be a single block of text and removed the extra


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