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Technology Diseases: 10 Health Problems Caused by Applications

Technology Diseases: 10 Health Problems Caused by Applications

Technology Diseases: 10 Health Problems Caused by Applications

About 40 years ago, Dr. Mustafa Mahmoud described our situation in the era of technology that we now live in.

The saying, as published in the Egyptian newspaper Al-Ahram, says: “In the year 2000, the telephone will become the easiest means of communication, because it will be the size of a cigarette pack, and its owner, whether a man, a woman, or even a child, will not be separated from it. Each member of the family will have his own telephone and his own number, so that no one is waiting for someone to finish talking on the phone, and it will become a common phenomenon for more than one person to sit in one room and each of them to talk on his own phone. This phone will be mobile so that it can be taken to the car, the street, and anywhere you go.”

What are the diseases of modern technology?

Dr. Mohsen Semaan, Consultant Ophthalmologist, Medical Director of Barraquer Eye Hospital

The website “Youm7” quoted Dr. David Cunnington, an Australian sleep expert, with the following analysis explaining people’s irresponsible attachment to electronic devices:

“If you spend more time texting, you may be more likely to wake up in the middle of your sleep and check your phone.” He adds that people whose lives are often busy become unable to stop them even at night, and end up picking up their phone while they sleep and sending garbled text messages to colleagues, friends, and relatives.

Digital Eye Strain

Follow some preventive steps to protect your eyes from technology-related eye diseases
Follow some preventive steps to protect your eyes from technology-related eye diseases

It is a condition that affects the eyes as a result of continuous focus on screens for long periods, without taking sufficient rest time. People who spend more than two hours a day in front of electronic screens often suffer from symptoms such as:

  • Dryness and redness.
  • Blurred vision.
  • Headache.
  • Feeling of burning or itching in the eye.

What is dry eye caused by the use of technology?

Dry eyes are a common symptom associated with excessive technology use. When we look at the screen for long periods, our natural blinking rate decreases. Which leads to dry eyes due to reduced tear production. It is thought that people who use smartphones or computers for long hours may blink half as often as normal people, resulting in tears not being adequately distributed across the surface of the eye.

What is blue glare and its effect on the eyes?

Electronic screens, especially smartphones and computers, produce what is known as blue light. It is high-energy light that can cause long-term eye damage. Continuous exposure to blue light can lead to age-related macular degeneration, a condition that affects the retina and causes loss of central vision.

Prevention and Treatment of Eye Diseases Caused by Technology

Dr. Semaan confirms that despite the health challenges that excessive use of technology poses to the eyes, there are some preventive steps that you can take to maintain eye health. These steps include the following:

  • Follow the 20-20-20 rule: This rule recommends taking a 20-second break every 20 minutes of working on the screen, and looking at something 20 feet away. This helps the eyes relax and relieve the stress caused by constant focus.
  • Adjust screen brightness: You must ensure that the screen brightness is suitable for the ambient light, so that the screen is not brighter than the surrounding environment. High lighting increases eye fatigue, while low lighting may lead to eye strain due to the effort expended trying to focus.
  • Reducing exposure to blue light: Although some glasses equipped with a blue light filter are promoted as an effective way to protect the eyes, studies have not conclusively proven their significant benefit in reducing digital eye strain or improving sleep. Instead of relying on filters, it is recommended to reduce the use of electronic devices an hour or two before bed to help regulate sleep, or activate the night mode on devices to reduce blue light emissions.
  • Blinking regularly: It is essential for users to remember to blink regularly while using screens. Lubricating eye drops can be used if you feel persistent dryness.
  • Periodic eye examinations: It is recommended to perform periodic eye examinations, especially for people who spend long periods in front of screens. These tests help detect any vision problems in their early stages before they get worse.


The constant use of electronic devices and the potential harm it poses to eye health is a reality we need to adapt to. Following simple healthy habits, such as regular rest, adjusting screen brightness, and protecting your eyes from blue light can go a long way toward maintaining healthy eyes. Technology is a powerful tool that makes our lives easier, but we must use it carefully to maintain our health and well-being.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How can I reduce my risk of eye strain caused by technology use?

A: You can reduce your risk of eye strain caused by technology use by following the 20-20-20 rule, adjusting screen brightness, reducing exposure to blue light, and taking regular breaks to rest your eyes.

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Q: What are some common symptoms of digital eye strain?

A: Common symptoms of digital eye strain include dryness and redness, blurred vision, headache, and feeling of burning or itching in the eye.

Q: Can digital eye strain be treated?

A: Yes, digital eye strain can be treated with treatment options such as lubricating eye drops, prisms, and other devices that reduce eye strain. If you experience persistent eye strain, consult an eye doctor for personalized advice.

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