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Power-Up Your Pecs with Arnold’s Flat Bench Flyes

Power-Up Your Pecs with Arnold’s Flat Bench Flyes

Power-Up Your Pecs with Arnold’s Flat Bench Flyes

The Science Behind Building a Championship Chest: Arnolds Secrets

Arnold Schwarzenegger once said his chest was a challenging area of the anatomy to build, but he was able to grow it from its initial "very flat and sunken" state to one of the biggest in bodybuilding using the flat bench dumbbell chest fly. By leveraging his formula of heavy lifting, combined with careful form and isolation, he managed to bring his chest size up to an impressive 58 inches.

This exceptional development required more than just focus on building the muscles, though. Schwarzenegger also needed to address the entire skeletal system, increasing the size and structure of his thorax, effectively creating "armored" pectorals. While this was possible, if not probable, with immense dedication, determination, and a sound approach to workouts, there were certainly numerous factors involved that led Arnold to achieving these extraordinary bodily proportions.

How To Do Flat Bench Dumbbell Chest Flyes

  1. Lie flat on your back on the bench, planting your feet on the floor.

  2. Begin with dumbbells near your chest, elbows inclined slightly. Bring your ears close together in an optimal position. Place the Dumbbell between the hand and body close together below the neck at chest bottom.


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    Inhale, releasing the weight with elbows pointing towards sides by allowing dropping elbows slightly; do both sides
    and move these dumbbells along either side

    When you want it all (back again by exale), place
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  4. When you’re satisfied
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    Here’s something

    See Also
    Spice Up Your Dumbbell Row

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