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Ramadan is a wonderful month and full of good deeds and achievements, not only on the spiritual level, but also the physical and psychological level. But it may be for some, a double -edged sword.
Some fasting people neglect two very important issues during the month of Ramadan: good nutrition and physical activity. These two things are closely related, so that one of them cannot be neglected or negligent, if you want to reach high physical fitness. Once the month of Ramadan begins, many people are lazy about exercising; And whoever continues to do so, may neglect the preservation of a high healthy diet, on top of which is moisturizing.
We eat abundant food in Ramadan, but we are a lot of drinking water enough between breakfast and suhoor. It is a major problem that makes fasting during this month suffer from constipation and indigestion as well as fatigue and headache.
So, what is the solution? A healthy map depends on food and moisturizing advice provided by Sarah Lindsay; A former Olympic champion and the Roar Sports Hall Foundation in today’s article, we advise you strongly to read and apply it.
Ways to nourish the body and maintain fitness during fasting
As a previous sporting and performance trained in Roar Fitness, I know closely that nutrition and moisture can make or spoil physical performance. During the month of Ramadan, and when a person fasts, maintaining energy levels and staying is wet more important. This is particularly important for fasting stimulus who want to maintain their training system. So through careful planning, you can keep active and vitality, and to do the best of what you have throughout the holy month.
Giving priority to moisture: water is not negotiable

The biggest challenge during the month of Ramadan is moisture; Drought can lead to fatigue, headache and a decrease in sporting performance. Since you have a limited period of fluid consumption, the increase in moisture between breakfast and suhoor is necessary.
Let your goal be at least two liters to three liters of water within hours other than fasting. To maintain moisture, drink rich drinks such as coconut water or moisturizing tablets. Avoid sugary soft drinks or caffeine drinks, which can increase the problem of dehydration. If you are training late at night, eat large amounts of water constantly instead of eating large quantities at once, to avoid bloating.
Improving the suhoor meal for sustainable energy
Important advice, dear: You should deal with suhoor as a pre -exercise meal. So that it must be rich in nutrients and slow digestion to maintain constant energy levels throughout the day.
Focus on complex carbohydrates such as oats, whole grains and sweet potatoes – which gradually unleash energy. Add healthy fats such as avocado, nuts and seeds to prolong the feeling of satiety. Protein is also necessary to prevent muscle loss, so lure eggs, Greek yogurt, or protein drinks within the suhoor meal.
in contrast; Avoid salty foods, as they increase thirst, and instead choose moisturizing options such as cucumber, watermelon or chia pudding soaked in almond milk.
Cover your fasting smartly at breakfast

After a full day of fasting, your body yearns for fast energy, understand that; But this does not mean the speed of resorting to fried foods. While dates are a traditional and excellent choice to break fasting due to the natural sugars and nutrients in it, it must be balanced with a source of protein to stabilize the blood sugar (yogurt or milk two ideal options).
As for the ideal dish after fasting, it should include fat -free protein (chicken, fish or tofu), fiber -rich vegetables and a mild part of healthy fats and complex carbohydrates. With warning that eating is very quickly, it can disturb the digestive system, so adjust the pace of eating and chewing slowly to keep your health.
The best strategic time for exercise
After we included the right nutrition and hydration, we now move on to the topic of exercise.
If you are training during the month of Ramadan, then the timing is everything. There are three main periods of exercise, according to Lindsay:
1. Before breakfast – is an ideal time for people who can deal with training during fasting. Choose low -density exercises such as fixed heart exercises, movement exercises, or body weight exercises. Make short sessions (about 30 to 60 minutes) to avoid excessive energy drain.
2. After breakfast – training is allowed for an hour to two hours after breakfast, with better energy and hydration levels. This is the time to train strength or high -density exercises, as your body will be able to access the energy it needs.
3. Before suhoor – although it is less common, some individuals prefer to exercise in the early hours before suhoor. This option works better for individuals who enjoy morning training, and they can re -provide energy immediately after that.
Giving priority to protein and recovery

One of the biggest concerns of active individuals during the month of Ramadan is to maintain muscles. Since the protein synthesis is limited during fasting hours, consuming enough protein during nutrition periods is very important.
What to do in this case? Distribute protein intake of breakfast and suhoor, while combining sources such as fat -free meat, fish, dairy products, legumes and protein drinks. After exercise, give priority for a balanced meal that contains both protein and carbohydrates to help the muscle recovery. In addition, taking a series of amino acids (BCAAS) before exercise, can help prevent muscle collapse.
Listen to your body
While the month of Ramadan is a time for spiritual meditation, it is also important to respect your body’s boundaries. In some days, you may feel active and ready for intense exercise; In other days, you may need additional comfort.
So adjust the intensity of the training based on your feeling, and don’t be afraid to reduce it if necessary. Excessive training during fasting can lead to fatigue, so recovery is as important as the importance of performance.
In summary; Dealing with the month of Ramadan requires an active individual, a conscious approach with regard to nutrition, hydration and exercise. By giving priority to moisturizing and eating meals rich in nutrients and timing of exercises strategically, you can maintain your energy levels, maintain muscle mass and continue to progress on your fitness journey.
Ramadan is the time of discipline and growth – physically and spiritually – so use this month to challenge yourself in the best possible way. Keep your strength, moisturize and teach intelligently!
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