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Benefits and Harms of the Vegetarian Diet

Benefits and Harms of the Vegetarian Diet

Benefits and Harms of the Vegetarian Diet

Vegetarianism is considered one of the most popular and widespread diets in the world, and it depends on eliminating meat and meat products and focusing on eating plant foods. With modern trends to enhance women’s health and fitness in the era of advanced technology; We monitor the opinions of some Arab actresses who depend on this diet, and their experiences have been featured on various social media sites. As role models in moving towards a healthy and sustainable lifestyle.

Artist Hend Sabry

Tunisian artist Hend Sabry spoke in several media interviews about her love for healthy food and her role as an environmental activist. Hind indicated that she tried vegetarianism to improve her health and increase her energy, especially while filming long and exhausting scenes. She confirmed that following this diet helped her control her weight and enhance her skin and hair, which had a positive impact on her overall appearance.

Artist Mona Zaki

Egyptian actress Mona Zaki turned to vegetarianism as a step to improve her health after giving birth. According to her, she noticed a significant decrease in her stress levels and an overall improvement in her mental health. For Mona, the main goal was to stay in perfect physical condition without resorting to extreme diets.

Artist Yousra El Lozy

Artist Yousra El Lozy adopted the vegetarian diet with the aim of raising awareness of environmental issues and preserving natural resources. Yousra believes that her choice of plant-based foods is not limited to health aspects only, but is also a social responsibility. In a press interview, she praised the impact of veganism on improving her sleep quality and increasing her energy levels while working.

Actress Saba Mubarak

Jordanian artist Saba Mubarak confirmed that she turned to vegetarianism after suffering from health problems related to the digestive system. She indicated that the vegetarian diet contributed to reducing stomach infections and improving digestion. For Saba, the biggest challenge was finding delicious vegetarian recipes, but she adapted with time and now provides advice to followers on how to prepare healthy meals.

Vegetarian Diet for Better Health in the Age of Advanced Technology

According to Dr. Maryam, the vegetarian diet is a dietary style that relies mainly on the consumption of plant foods such as: “fruits, vegetables, grains, legumes, and nuts, while excluding or reducing the intake of meat and its products. While this diet can provide significant health and environmental benefits, it also carries some challenges to consider.

Advantages of the Vegetarian Diet to Enhance Wellness and Fitness

The vegetarian diet has several advantages, including:

* Promoting cardiovascular health
* Reducing the risk of chronic diseases
* Maintaining a healthy weight
* Improving digestive health

Preserving the Environment

Transitioning to a plant-based diet reduces one’s carbon footprint. Livestock production consumes large amounts of natural resources, such as water and energy, and also contributes to the emission of greenhouse gases. Here, a report from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) confirmed that plant-based diets reduce carbon emissions by up to 50%.

Negative Effects on Women’s Health.. Do Not Ignore Them

On the other hand, Dr. Maryam emphasized that the vegetarian diet is considered healthy if it is followed in a thoughtful manner, but it may lead to some health problems if the nutrients that are usually found in animal products are not replaced. The following are the most prominent problems that followers of the vegetarian diet may face:

* Lack of essential nutrients
* Difficulty getting enough protein
* Additional costs
* Social and nutritional restrictions
* Potential health problems if poor planning

Ideal Solutions to Avoid the Harmful Effects of Vegetarianism, in the Style of Celebrities

Dr. Maryam advises women and girls who are looking for fitness following in the footsteps of celebrities, and who want to benefit from the vegetarian diet; It is necessary to follow the following instructions:

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* Take vitamin B12 supplements or fortified foods such as: “cereals and soy products.”
* Eat plant sources rich in iron, such as: lentils, spinach, and legumes, with vitamin C to improve absorption.
* Consuming fortified foods such as: soy milk and tofu, and adequate exposure to the sun or taking vitamin D supplements, in order to enhance bone health and calcium density.
* Take flax seeds, chia seeds, walnuts, or algae oil supplements; To prevent heart disease and strokes.
* Incorporate various protein sources such as: legumes, quinoa, and nuts to maintain muscle mass and strengthen the immune system.
* Consume nuts and seeds regularly, and soak legumes to improve zinc absorption.
* Focus on whole grains and plant protein to reduce reliance on starches.
* Gradually increase fiber intake while drinking sufficient amounts of water.
* Eat seaweed in moderate amounts or iodine supplements; Because not getting sufficient amounts of iodine may lead to thyroid problems.


Vegetarianism can be a healthy and sustainable option if it is well planned to meet the body’s needs for essential nutrients. However, women or girls who want to follow this diet should see a nutritionist to ensure nutritional balance and avoid potential health problems in the long term.


Q: What are the benefits of vegetarianism?
A: Vegetarianism can promote cardiovascular health, reduce the risk of chronic diseases, maintain a healthy weight, and improve digestive health.

Q: What are the potential drawbacks of vegetarianism?
A: Vegetarianism may lead to a lack of essential nutrients, difficulty getting enough protein, additional costs, social and nutritional restrictions, and potential health problems if poor planning.

Q: How can I avoid the harmful effects of vegetarianism?
A: It is necessary to follow a well-planned vegetarian diet that includes essential nutrients, protein sources, and healthy fats. Consult a nutritionist to ensure nutritional balance and avoid potential health problems in the long term.

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