Yoga for Lower Ab Fat Loss

Yoga Exercises Contribute to Burning Abdominal Fat Indirectly
According to yoga coach Abeer, when it comes to eliminating belly fat, the relaxation and peace state that is achieved as a result of the practice of yoga exercises helps to reduce tension, stress and psychological pressure, and thus the levels of cortisol remain low, and the body responds by exhausting chemicals in the brain, such as “serotonin What does this cause effective results to reduce the body’s storage of fat in the abdomen, and also get a comfortable sleep, in addition to reducing the body’s need for sugars, which helps to lose weight easily.
Yoga Exercises Effective to Improve Health and Burn Fat
- Increased flexibility
- Weight loss
- Stress control
- Better respiratory health
- Improving energy and vitality
- Promote metabolism
- Improving sports health
- Increase muscle strength
- Improving cardiovascular health
The Best Yoga Exercises to Eliminate Lower Abdominal Fat
Copra Exercise
This situation helps you get rid of the accumulated fat in the abdomen, because it depends on the role of the medium mass of your body in massaging the organs responsible for digestion, which contributes to facilitating digestion and getting rid of toxins in the body.
- Lie on your stomach and hold your ankles on the floor, as well as your hands.
- Pull your knees to the top and squeeze the thighs and buttocks, then press the pubic bone towards the ground.
- Spread, then raise your head and chest area away from the ground and keep the neck at the same level of the spine, and make sure not to use the arms.
- Keep the elbows close to you on both sides and press your hands on the ground, and at the same time leave your arms to push your body up.
- Continue this position for 30 seconds while keeping breathing.
- To get out of this situation, stir your chest and head quietly toward the ground, stir your head to one side, then stretch.
Bridge Exercise
Besides his ability to burn lower abdominal fat, this situation will also help you relieve menstrual pain.
- Stretch on the floor while keeping your feet stretched.
- Take out the exhalation, then push your body to the top on your feet.
- When you raise your body up, be sure to keep your neck and head on the carpet, while the rest of your body is raised in the air, and you can use your hands to install your feet on the ground. Keep this position for 30 – 60 seconds.
- You can repeat the situation again, if your body is ready for that
Plow Exercise
- Lie on your back and raise your legs in a straight position towards the ceiling.
- Put your arms on both sides of your body and put your hands on the floor. Cover on your hands and push your legs to become behind your head.
- If your feet do not touch the ground, marry your hands together behind your back. Continue this position for 30 – 60 seconds, taking care to breathe.
- Gradually return your back to the ground while keeping breathing to return to the first lying down position.
Crescent Exercise
This situation helps you to raise the pulse rates, and then increases your metabolic process, and it also contributes to strengthening the muscles of the abdomen, legs and thighs.
- Stand in a straight position while placing the feet alongside each other and fingers forward and your arms on both sides.
- Spread, then raise your arms over your head so that your fingers are in the direction of the ceiling.
- Take out, then fold your left leg forward from the buttocks area, and put your hands on the ground.
- Push your right leg to be back, and make sure to bend the left knee at a 90 -degree angle, and bend the right knee over the ankle.
- Raise your arms to be over your head, and keep your outlook forward.
- Continue this position for 30 – 60 seconds, then return to the fixed position, before you come back the same steps with the other side of your body.
Warrior Exercise
This situation helps you to strengthen the muscles of the thighs and buttocks, as well as the abdominal muscles, and it also enhances your ability to possibility of physical exertion, which helps you lose weight and burn lower abdomen fat at the same time.
- Stand up with the feet, then put most of your weight on one leg, and a little weight on the other leg.
- Lift your feet fewer, so that the foot is facing the knee with other men.
- You can hold the ankle to help you raise your leg.
- Place your heel on the inner part of the other leg, so that you can be as soon as possible from the sink.
- Gently lift your hands to be at or over your head, and make sure that your fingers are facing the ceiling.
- Continue this situation for 30 seconds, and make sure to continue breathing throughout the performance period.
Tree Exercise
This situation is the perfect exercise to tighten the abdominal muscles, strengthen the muscles of the thighs and arms, and then helps you lose weight and burn the lower abdominal fat at the same time.
- Stand up in a straight position and make your hands sticking as in the mode.
- Be your knees as if you were sitting on a chair.
- Raise your hands up towards your head.
- Be your trunk inside whenever you deepen in this situation.
- Normally respiratory while you are in this situation.
- Continue this position for 30 – 60 seconds, and you can stop at any time if you feel that your body no longer tolerates this situation.