Which Way to Go

Which is better, walking or cycling?
Almost everything has a positive and negative side, and the same applies when comparing walking and cycling, to determine which is better for health and fitness. Both activities have pros and cons.
Walking: multiple benefits and advantages
According to Claudette Sarria, a National Academy of Sports Medicine-certified personal trainer and alumnus of the Strength in Diversity Initiative for Women’s and Men’s Health based in New York City; Walking is low-impact, so it’s easy on the joints and can be done easily. All you need is a pair of suitable walking shoes, and you can start your walking steps either outdoors or indoors on a treadmill.
Walking is also easy; If you’re accustomed to walking on flat terrain (or on a treadmill), you can take this exercise up a notch by trying up or down the Incline, Saria adds. You can also walk faster, or wear a weighted vest or ankle or wrist weights.
Amato agrees with Saria, adding that walking is also a weight-bearing exercise, where “you’re lifting your entire body as you move.” Melissa Darlow, a registered dietitian and certified trainer in New York City, says this exercise can strengthen your lower body, improve your posture, relieve back pain, and increase bone density. Walking can definitely improve your endurance, depending on the type of walking you do and for how long. For example, brisk walking is a great way to build your endurance, Amato says.
Benefits of riding a bike
On the other hand, we find that riding a bike is no less important than walking. According to Amato, biking is lower impact than walking, meaning it’s gentler on your knees and hips; Because the pedal provides support, you don’t have to lift your body too much. You can tread as slowly or as quickly as you like and increase the resistance easily, so it’s easy to control the intensity of the exercise. The fact that you can add more resistance while cycling, compared to walking, results in greater strength gains and burning more calories, Saria says.
Walking versus cycling to enhance strength
Overall, Amato says, walking “is definitely a form of exercise that helps build lower-body strength.” While Saria adds that it is a better basic exercise than cycling, because you are standing and you have to maintain your balance while moving. For cycling and running coach Amato, walking downhill strengthens your core more because you have to stabilize it to protect your lower back. Additionally, if you wear a weighted vest, you will work all of your lower body muscles, especially your outer thigh and leg muscles.
Walking versus cycling to lose weight
If you’re looking to burn body fat, you need to raise your heart rate to zone 2 or 3 – the states in which your body burns fat as fuel – either while walking or cycling. You can do this by walking on an incline or increasing the resistance on your bike – just make sure your heart rate reaches this fat-burning state.
Factors that make your heart beat too fast
permission; We agreed that increasing heart rate contributes to increased burning of fat and calories, and thus weight loss. According to Darlow, the most effective way to lose weight is to choose an activity that you will continue to do regularly. If you sign up for a cycling class at the gym, but you hate cycling; You may end up losing the passion to continue exercising. In the future, you will lose more weight while walking if you are sure that you enjoy it more.
What do we conclude from all of the above?
Whether your goals are to improve endurance, build strength, or lose weight, cycling is a better exercise, especially if you have very little time to exercise, Saria says. But adding walking and cycling to your exercise routine is also beneficial for exercising your entire body, according to Amato.
In conclusion; Walking and cycling are both beneficial, and you will reap benefits from both. But what’s right for you really depends on your personal goals, and what makes you happy, too. “Finding any way to move that you enjoy is really the goal,” Amato says. So, whether you’re walking or riding a bike, make sure to always push yourself towards exercise and not give in to lethargy and laziness, and you will see the best gains.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What is the best exercise for weight loss?
A: Both walking and cycling can be effective for weight loss, but cycling may be more efficient if you have limited time.
Q: What is the best exercise for building strength?
A: Walking can help build lower-body strength, but cycling can be more effective for building overall strength.
Q: What is the best exercise for improving endurance?
A: Both walking and cycling can improve endurance, but brisk walking may be more effective for building endurance.
Q: Can I do both walking and cycling for my exercise routine?
A: Yes, incorporating both walking and cycling into your exercise routine can be beneficial for overall fitness and health.