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Weight Loss Operations’ Impact on Mental Health

Weight Loss Operations’ Impact on Mental Health

Weight Loss Operations’ Impact on Mental Health

The Journey to a Fit Body: A Double-Edged Sword for Women’s Mental Health

The journey to a fit body continues to top the list of the fitness world for the year 2024; which some women describe as an arduous and uncertain journey that entails many imaginary stations that may lead them to a world of madness and not just a world of elegance and beauty. Especially after the spread of various weight loss procedures, which sparked great controversy in the health and beauty arena, without exception.

Dissatisfaction Hinders the Success of Weight Loss Operations

The insanity of female artists and imitation of them hinders the success of weight loss operations

According to Dr. Lubna, the maze of the soul, dissatisfaction, and the aspiration for the impossible may be the hidden statements of the subconscious mind of every woman who suffers from excess weight, and the most dangerous are women who suffer from dissatisfaction with their appearance, which makes them obsess over modern cosmetic techniques, especially those who have a craze for artists and imitation. With them.

On the other hand, Dr. Lubna explained that weight loss surgeries in themselves may be a reward for some women who suffer from excessive obesity, but at the same time they may be a punishment for those who are dissatisfied with their image, which God has created well, no matter how flawed it may be by human standards.

Weight Loss Surgeries: A Double-Edged Sword for Women’s Mental Health

Dr. Lubna confirmed that the world of beauty and thinness is a double-edged sword, and must be directed by skilled doctors in employing weight loss operations in a healthy and appropriate manner, appropriate to the nature of the body and the health condition of women in general.

Differential Effects of Weight Loss Operations on Mental Health

Sadness, despair, lack of patience, and the desire to devour food may lead to failure in the results of weight loss operations
Sadness, despair, lack of patience, and the desire to devour food may lead to failure in the results of weight loss operations

Dr. Lubna pointed out that weight loss operations will not be free of negative psychological effects after they are performed, no matter how impressive their results are. The evidence for this is abstaining from eating many things, especially if they are among the women’s favorite foods before undergoing surgery. But in general, we cannot judge the psychological state after weight loss surgery, except by evaluating the woman’s goals, her health conditions, and the reasons that led to the procedure in all its details.

Positive Results of Obesity Surgery on Mental Health

Dr. Lubna added that the benefits of weight loss surgeries are not limited to noticeable physical transformation, but also extend to significant improvements on the psychological level. With the loss of excess weight, many psychological indicators improve, including:

Increase Self-Confidence

The general improvement in health, as well as the improvement of appearance, and the ability to do simple things that women used to consider exhausting; It raises a lot of self-confidence.

Mood Improves

Increased confidence, in turn, helps improve the mood in general, and makes women more forward-looking in life.

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Reducing Anxiety and Depression

Anxiety and depression may be negative symptoms of obesity, and therefore these symptoms will disappear after the woman reaches the weight she aspires to.

Improving Social Relationships

A woman’s self-confidence and her new appearance will definitely make her more courageous to deal with people and make new friends.

Increased Sense of Accomplishment

A woman’s inner sense of pride and accomplishment is a feeling that deserves to be recognized after she overcomes the obstacles that plagued her life during the stage of severe obesity that she experienced before.

Fear of the Unknown is the Main Reason Behind the Ambiguity of the Results of Obesity Surgeries

Fear of the unknown and anxiety about starting a new stage in life may hinder the success of weight loss operations
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