Unlocking Health with Indian Costus and Black Seed

Benefits of Indian Costus with Black Seed for Women’s Health
Benefits of Indian Costus to Improve Women’s Health
According to Dr. Shukri, Indian costus is believed to have many benefits for women’s health. Although there is no scientific evidence to prove this, it is used in healthy drinks throughout the day. Enjoy the following benefits:
• Regulates blood sugar level.
• Strengthens the immune system.
• Soothes muscle pain.
• Produces urine. Expels gases.
• Sterilizes wounds.
• Enhances sexual ability.
• Removes bad breath.
• Removes dark circles around the eyes.
• Nourishes the skin, making it fresh and vibrant, and treats dark spots and pimples.
Benefits of Black Seed to Support Women’s Health
According to Dr. Shukri, the benefits of black seed are no less important than the benefits of Indian costus mentioned above. To enhance women’s health and combat various diseases, as it achieves the following benefits:
• Boosts the body’s immunity.
• Promotes cardiovascular health.
• Gets rid of lice and scabs from hair.
• Contributes to enhancing the kidneys’ ability to perform its various functions.
• Works to reduce the level of fat accumulated in the body.
• Improves digestive health and reduces inflammation and its accompanying symptoms.
Combining Indian Costus with Black Seed for Women’s Health
According to Dr. Shukri, specialists in the field of complementary or alternative medicine recommend mixing specific amounts of Indian costus powder and black seed to make the most of the properties of each in alleviating some women’s health conditions, thanks to the distinctive natural composition of each of these elements. Note that Indian costus or as it is scientifically called (Costus) is one of the most important costus plants that fall under the category of gingers, while black seed or as it is called Nigella sativa is one of the plants that belong to the Ranunculaceae family, and given the importance of each of them, combining them together will achieve benefits such as:
• Using a mixture of Indian costus with black seed and adding honey to it contributes to alleviating some health conditions associated with some skin diseases such as psoriasis and eczema.
• The benefits of Indian costus with black seed help regulate blood sugar levels, especially for women who suffer from diabetes.
• The mixture of Indian costus with black seed improves the health of the digestive system and reduces the symptoms of some digestive disorders such as constipation, indigestion, and others.
• Indian costus powder with black seed improves the health of the skin and gives it a distinctive freshness and radiance.
• The mixture of Indian costus and black seed works to alleviate menstrual disorders.
How to Use Indian Costus with Black Seed
Dr. Shukri indicated that this mixture can be used to obtain the desired benefits by mixing 10 grams of costus root powder specifically with 10 grams of black seed and an appropriate amount of honey, making sure to mix the ingredients together until they interact well. Apply the mixture to the affected areas, and repeat the process to get the best possible results. This is in addition to the following methods of use:
• Add 25 grams of costum and 100 grams of black seed powder, and eat the mixture after breakfast, and a teaspoon after dinner.
• Early in the morning, drink a cup of boiling water with a teaspoon of Indian costus, and in the evening, drink a cup of boiling water with a teaspoon of Indian costus, and before going to sleep, drink a cup of boiling water with a teaspoon of Indian costus and black seed.
Benefits of Indian Costus with Honey and Black Seed
Finally, Dr. Shukri touched on the most prominent benefits of Indian costus with honey and black seed. This is as follows:
• Honey is beneficial for enhancing women’s health with the benefits of Indian costus and black seed.
Additional Potential Benefits
This mixture may also contribute to the treatment of respiratory diseases, improving blood sugar levels, promoting digestive health, and treating some skin diseases:
• It contributes to the treatment of respiratory diseases.
• It improves blood sugar levels.
• It promotes digestive health.
• It treats some skin diseases.
Please note that this mixture is not suitable for pregnant women, especially in the early stages of pregnancy, as it increases the possibility of miscarriage and interacts negatively with anticoagulant medications, and increases blood flow, which poses a risk to women’s health.