Unleash Your Adventure Body

Adventures Keep You Young
Adventures keep you young. They provide excitement, motivation, and something to look forward to. So take that trip, go on that adventure, and stay fit in the process. You’ll find that the journey itself is the key to a healthier, happier you, no matter your age.
Sometimes however, leaving the comfort of your home gym or neighborhood training facility leave many people struggling to maintain any type of consistent training program. That doesn’t need to be the case. With a solid program, you can be able to continue your training all the way up to game day, with no distractions or lack of motivation.
Programming Guide:
For Strength: 3-5 sets of 6-12 reps at RPE (Rating of Perceived Exertion) 8-9, Rest 2-3 minutes.
For Hypertrophy: 3-6 sets of 8-15 reps at RPE 7-8, Rest 45-90 seconds.
For Endurance: 3-4 sets of 15+ reps at RPE 6-8, Rest 30-60 seconds.
The 9-Week Progressive Program For Any Adventure
Weeks 1-3
Warm-up: 10-15 minute dynamic warmup
Day 1 Full-Body Strength: Circuit 1.
A1. Kettlebell Goblet Squat to Box
A2. Single Arm Dumbbell Row
A3. Tall Plank Hold (20-60 seconds)
B1. Landmine Romanian Deadlift
B2. Half Kneeling Landmine Overhead Press
B3. Short Lever Side Plank Hold (20-60 seconds)
C1. Band Resisted Triceps Push-Downs
C2. Dumbbell Hammer Curls
Day 2 Cardio/Conditioning
A. Cardio of Choice: 2 minutes at Moderate Intensity on 2 minutes at Low Intensity x 5 Rounds
B. 30 seconds on 30 seconds off of the following circuit (3-5 rounds)
1. Side to Side Shuffles 10-30 yards
2. Bunny Hops
3. Hard Style Forearm Plank
C. 5-8 minutes Cardio of Choice at Low to Moderate Intensity
Day 3 Full Body Strength
A1. Kettlebell Deadlift
A2. Dumbbell Floor Chest Press
B1. Body Weight or Dumbbell Goblet Reverse Lunge
B2. Half Kneeling Cable Lat Pull-Down
C1. Deadbug For Time (30-60 seconds)
C2. Dual Kettlebell March in Place for Time (30-60 seconds)
Cool-Down: 5-10 minute recovery breathing or full body foam roll
Weeks 4-6
Warm-up: 10-15 minute dynamic warmup
Day 1 Full-Body Strength: Circuit 1.
A1. Dual (or Single) Kettlebell Goblet with Slow Lowering Tempo
A2. Single Arm Single Leg Dumbbell Row
A3. Tall Plank to Downward Dog
B1. Dumbbell Romanian Deadlift
B2. Half Kneeling Dumbbell Overhead Press
B3. Long Lever Side Plank Hold
C1. Cable Machine Triceps Push-Downs
C2. Dumbbell Biceps Curls
Day 2 Cardio/Conditioning
A. Cardio of Choice: 2 minutes at Moderate Intensity on 90 seconds at Low Intensity x 6 Rounds
B. EMOM Circuit: 6-8 Minutes
1. 20 Jumping Jacks
2. 20 Bicycle Crunches Per Side
C. 8-10 minutes Cardio of Choice at Moderate Intensity
Day 3 Full Body Strength
A1. Dual Kettlebell Deadlift
A2. Dumbbell Chest Press
B1. Dual Dumbbell Reverse Lunge
B2. V- Grip Cable Lat Pull-Down
C1. Hollow-Body Hold (30-60 seconds)
C2. Single Arm Kettlebell March in Place for Time (30-60 seconds)
Cool-Down: 5-10 minute recovery breathing or full body foam roll
Weeks 7-9
Warm-up: 10-15 minute dynamic warmup
Day 1 Full-Body Strength: Circuit 1.
A1. Safety Squat Bar or Dual Kettlebell Squat
A2. Single Arm Bird-Dog Row
A3. Tall Plank with Shoulder Taps (30-75 seconds)
B1. Barbell Romanian Deadlift
B2. Tall Kneeling Arnold Shoulder Press
B3. Side Plank Hip Thrusters
C1. Dumbbell Skull Crushers
C2. Dumbbell Zottman Biceps Curls
Day 2 Cardio/Conditioning
A. Cardio of Choice: 1-2 minutes at Moderate to High Intensity, 60-90 seconds at Low Intensity x 6-8 Rounds
B. EMOM Circuit (Every Minute on the Minute)- 6-10 Minutes
1. 10 Kettlebell Swings
2. 10 Incline or Floor Pushups
C. 10-15 minutes Cardio of Choice at Moderate Intensity or High Intensity every other minute.
Day 3 Full Body Strength
A1. Hex Bar Deadlift
A2. Barbell Bench Press
B1. Dual Dumbbell Reverse Lunge off 2–4-inch Deficit
B2. Wide- Grip Cable Lat Pull-Down, or Band Assisted Pull-ups
C1. Hollow-Body Hold + Band Pull apart (30-60 seconds)
C2. Dual or Single Kettlebell Farmers Carry (10-50 Feet)
Cool-Down: 5-10 minute recovery breathing or full body foam roll
The 9-week progressive program outlined above is designed to help you maintain a consistent training program, even when you’re not at home. By incorporating a variety of exercises and training protocols, you’ll be able to challenge yourself and improve your overall fitness level.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What if I miss a day of training? A: If you miss a day of training, simply skip that day and continue with the next day’s workout.
Q: Can I customize the program to fit my needs? A: Yes, you can customize the program to fit your needs and goals. For example, you can adjust the weights, reps, and sets to fit your fitness level.
Q: How do I know if I’m getting enough rest and recovery time? A: Pay attention to your body and how it’s feeling. If you’re feeling fatigued or sore, you may need to take an extra day off or modify your workouts.
Q: What if I need to adjust my diet or nutrition plan? A: It’s always a good idea to consult with a nutritionist or healthcare professional if you have specific dietary needs or restrictions. They can help you develop a personalized nutrition plan that meets your needs.