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Seasonal Ailments

Seasonal Ailments

Seasonal Ailments

Seasonal Diseases: Causes, Factors, and Prevention

Seasonal diseases: causes and factors

Dr. Shukr indicates that the changes in the weather accompanying the transition between the seasons, often weakening the human immune system. The main reason for this is that the body is exposed to significant changes in temperature and humidity levels, which increases the chance of spreading viruses and pathogens.

High respiratory diseases are normal

The influenza season has always been a regular part of the calendar season, but all of this changed with the Covid-19 pandemic. According to the website of Healthline from William Shavener, a doctor in medicine, professor of preventive medicine and infectious diseases in the Department of Health Policy at the Medical Center of Vanderbelt University in Nashville; "Kovid-19 is now part of our viral environment, such as other viruses."

Respiratory Makhli Virus is one of the main causes of respiratory diseases

While the respiratory Makhli virus, which leads to hospitalization of about 80,000 children under the age of 5 annually, is one of the main reasons for hospitalization due to respiratory diseases at the present time. Although healthy adults usually do not fear the disease, the elderly, especially young children, can get severe.

How to prevent seasonal diseases

There are several simple ways, according to Dr. Shukr, who can reduce the risk of seasonal diseases, including:

  1. Washing hands regularly: It is one of the most important means to prevent the spread of viruses.
  2. Avoid crowded places: helps reduce the possibility of viruses.
  3. Obtaining the influenza vaccine: It is recommended annually, especially for children, the elderly, and those with chronic diseases.

Food has a vital role in strengthening the immune system against seasonal diseases

Eating foods rich in vitamins such as vitamin C, drinking hot fluids, and adequate sleep can help reduce the risk of disease. The influenza vaccine is one of the best preventive methods against this disease; It has proven effective in reducing the severity of symptoms and complications, so it is highly recommended, especially for the most vulnerable groups.

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To protect yourself and those you love from seasonal diseases, the best preventive and first prevention methods

Shukr stresses that food has a vital role in strengthening the immune system. Eating foods rich in vitamins such as vitamin C, drinking hot fluids, and adequate sleep can help reduce the risk of disease. The influenza vaccine is one of the best preventive methods against this disease; It has proven effective in reducing the severity of symptoms and complications, so it is highly recommended, especially for the most vulnerable groups.


Seasonal diseases already represent a frequent health challenge, but by taking preventive measures and following medical advice, the risk of infection can be reduced and their spread. The interest in seasonal vaccinations and a healthy diet is also two main key to maintaining the health and well-being of the individual and society.


  • How can I prevent seasonal diseases?
    • Washing hands regularly, avoiding crowded places, and obtaining the influenza vaccine are some of the ways to reduce the risk of seasonal diseases.
  • What is the main cause of seasonal diseases?
    • The main cause of seasonal diseases is the change in weather, which weakens the human immune system.
  • How can I strengthen my immune system against seasonal diseases?
    • Eating foods rich in vitamins such as vitamin C, drinking hot fluids, and adequate sleep can help reduce the risk of disease.
  • What is the best way to prevent the spread of seasonal diseases?
    • Obtaining the influenza vaccine is one of the best preventive methods against this disease; It has proven effective in reducing the severity of symptoms and complications, so it is highly recommended, especially for the most vulnerable groups.
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