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Nimi Primitive Diet for Fast Weight Loss

Nimi Primitive Diet for Fast Weight Loss

Nimi Primitive Diet for Fast Weight Loss

Nimi Primitive Diet: A New Way to Lose Weight and Improve Health

Nimi Diet: A Healthy and Sustainable Lifestyle

Can you imagine yourself, dear, not eating a cup of coffee with milk every day, or giving up the spaghetti pasta dish completely? This is the content of the new Nime “Nime” diet that researchers have worked to develop recently. It is an ideal healthy diet that reduces the risk of disease and enhances weight loss, as researchers who worked to develop it.

Nimi Diet: A Plant-Based Diet with a Twist

What distinguishes this system is not only free from meat and dairy derivatives; It also does not depend on calorie restriction. So that you can eat the amounts of food you want, and lose the extra weight during it.

Nimi Diet: A New Way to Lose Weight and Improve Health

According to a new study, adherence to a “primitive” diet – does not include dairy products, beef or wheat – can reduce the risk of chronic diseases, and helps to lose weight. The values ​​of this study emphasized that a newly developed diet, inspired by our ancestral habits, can be very useful.

Nimi Diet: A Fiber-Rich Diet

A team of researchers from the University of Cork College has recruited 30 people, either to continue eating naturally or experimenting with the “NIME) food” NIME) diet for three weeks. During this period, participants in the new diet were distributed meals plans inspired by the customs of the Papua Guinea population.

Nimi Diet: How it Works

This diet is based on plants, and it mainly consists of vegetables and legumes such as lentils and chickpeas, and it is very rich in fiber. It also includes one small share per day of animal protein in the form of salmon or chicken.

Nimi Diet: Results and Conclusion

Although the participants did not consume fewer calories during this diet, they lost more weight compared to those who eaten naturally. The researchers pointed out that all the improvements were also associated with useful changes in their microbium intestine, which is the home of the trillion bacteria that play a vital role in our health.


Professor Walter said that he is “actively looking for new ways” to prevent chronic diseases associated with the food we eat. He added: “Western diets – rich in manufactured foods and low fiber – are linked to obesity, diabetes and heart disease. These diets not only harm our bodies, but also harm our microbium our intestine, which is the complex society of bacteria, fungi and viruses in our intestines, which is a task of our health.”


Q: What is Nimi Diet?
A: Nimi Diet is a new diet that is based on plant-based foods and is inspired by the customs of the Papua Guinea population.

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Q: What are the benefits of Nimi Diet?
A: Nimi Diet can help reduce the risk of chronic diseases, such as obesity, diabetes, and heart disease, and can also help with weight loss.

Q: How does Nimi Diet work?
A: Nimi Diet is based on a plant-based diet that is rich in fiber and includes a small share of animal protein per day. It also avoids highly manufactured foods.

Q: Is Nimi Diet suitable for everyone?
A: Nimi Diet may not be suitable for everyone, and it is recommended to consult with a doctor or nutrition expert before starting the diet.

Q: Can I follow Nimi Diet on my own?
A: Yes, you can follow Nimi Diet on your own, but it is recommended to consult with a doctor or nutrition expert to ensure that you are getting the right guidance and support.

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