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Morning Routine for Holistic Wellbeing

Morning Routine for Holistic Wellbeing

Morning Routine for Holistic Wellbeing

Start Your Day Positively and Effectively

Waking up at a Constant Time

According to Dr. Hoda, a commitment to sleep and wake up at a fixed time is a pivotal basis for a successful morning routine; It contributes to controlling the internal biological clock; This improves the quality of sleep at night, a feeling of activity and vitality in the morning, and to achieve this, it is necessary to determine a specific time to sleep and wake up, and to adhere to it even in the days of vacation and vacations, while creating the appropriate environment for deep sleep and waking up and active. Note that this commitment works to prepare the body and mind to start the day positively, and it also enhances focus and productivity during the daytime hours, and with the passage of time, this routine becomes a firm habit to regulate daily life; It improves public health, and reduces the tension resulting from irregular sleep and waking times.

A Refreshing and Stimulating Start to Drinking Water

Dr. Hoda continued, water is an essential component of the body; It improves the mood, raises energy levels, enhances short-term memory; Watering when waking up stimulates metabolism, and replenishes fluid stock in the body after the long sleep period; Which contributes to a feeling of activity and vitality from the early morning. Because the functions of the body do not stop even during sleep, drinking water in the morning is necessary; The heart continues with the pulse, hormones help to achieve balance, and metabolic activities continue even with a slower rate, and these processes all require water; Therefore, sufficient quantities of it in the morning contribute to rid the body of the accumulated toxins at night; This improves bowel movement, protects it from drought-related diseases, and facilitates the return of its functions to normal.

Morning Exercises is a Vital Start for a Healthy and Positive Day

Dr. Hoda added, in the morning, an effective means of relieving muscle tension, increasing flexibility and alertness, and can start stretching before leaving the bed; As the bed provides support and comfort for the body, and you can start with simple exercises, such as: “Stretch the arms over the head and legs straight on the bed, taking a deep breath, tightening the shoulders to the top, and then exhale with the entire body relaxing. The small, these simple exercises bring the body to the activities of today, as it increases the flow of blood;

Health Launch with a Healthy Breakfast

According to Dr. Hoda, a nutritional breakfast after waking up is necessary; To stimulate metabolism, and provide the body with the necessary energy; It helps to break the night fasting, stimulate the body, and it is preferable that the meal contain a balanced mixture of proteins, healthy fats, and complex carbohydrates. The healthy options for breakfast include completely unprofitable food These foods provide the necessary fibers and protein to satisfy the body and provide it with energy throughout the day, and a small or half banana can be taken with a handful of nuts or natural nuts before the exercise; Then feel activity and vitality throughout the day.

Take Care of the Key to Balance to Meet Today’s Challenges with Positive and Vitality

On the other hand, Dr. Hoda emphasized that caring in particular is an essential part of the perfect morning routine; It enhances happiness and luxury, and this includes various activities that differ from one person to another, noting to the necessity of choosing activities that bring a feeling of comfort and personal contentment, and these activities may include a routine of skin care; As an application of the facial mask, moisturizing the skin with a suitable cream, or getting a warm bath; To calm the body and mind, or use essential oils while bathing; To motivate obsessions. Other examples of self-care in the morning routine are interest in personal hygiene and general appearance; Like cleaning teeth, hair styling, and choosing clean and comfortable clothes; Which contributes to enhancing self-confidence and a sense of renewal, and achieves a healthy balance between work and personal life, reduces fatigue and psychological pressure, and contributes to preparing to face today’s challenges with positive and vitality.

Defining the Daily Goals: Key Focus and Motivation

Dr. Hoda continued, as well as setting daily goals, one of the most important steps to start today positively; It contributes to preserving enthusiasm and focus throughout the day; By setting short-term and long-term goals, writing them in a thinker or daily notebook, and it is also useful to review these goals at the end of the day; To follow up on progress, and to determine the areas that need to be improved.


In conclusion, adopting the effective steps provided gradually, taking care to adjust the routine according to the changing conditions, to ensure the continuity and effectiveness in the long term, and to achieve personal and professional goals successfully, it is also preferable to maintain these customs; To become an essential part of your daily lifestyle; Which enhances the feeling of contentment and achievement, and the quality of life in general improves.


Q: What is the most important step in starting the day positively?
A: Committing to sleep and wake up at a fixed time.

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Q: Why is drinking water important in the morning?
A: It improves the mood, raises energy levels, and enhances short-term memory.

Q: What are some examples of self-care in the morning routine?
A: Skin care, personal hygiene, and general appearance, and choosing activities that bring a feeling of comfort and personal contentment.

Q: Why is setting daily goals important?
A: It contributes to preserving enthusiasm and focus throughout the day, and to determine the areas that need to be improved.

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