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Insulin Resistance and Prediabetes

Insulin Resistance and Prediabetes

Insulin Resistance and Prediabetes

Diabetes Awareness Month: Preventing Insulin Resistance and Pre-Diabetes

With November being Diabetes Awareness Month, this annual event provides an opportunity to support millions of diabetics around the world. November 14 may be World Diabetes Day, during which the largest diabetes awareness campaign in the world is organized to highlight the health risks of this disease worldwide. However, the awareness goal extends to the rest of the month, with the aim of spreading awareness about health care issues related to diabetes and their solutions to more than a billion people in more than 160 countries around the world.

The Rise of Type 2 Diabetes in the UAE

It must be noted here in this regard that the prevalence of type 2 diabetes is on the rise within the UAE. It is a disease that is often associated with poor lifestyle patterns such as poor diet quality, lack of physical activity and high rates of obesity, while the number of people with pre-diabetes is also rising in the country. The International Diabetes Federation estimates that the number of people with diabetes in the UAE has reached 1.17 million by 2030.

Insulin Resistance and Pre-Diabetes

Dr. Ashraf explains to us the issue of insulin resistance, which is directly linked to type 2 diabetes. This is a condition that puts a person in the pre-diabetes stage, highlighting the importance of early intervention and prevention of its serious health complications.

Insulin resistance is a condition in which muscle, fat, and liver cells fail to respond appropriately to insulin, the hormone responsible for controlling blood sugar levels. In this case, the body loses its ability to manage glucose levels appropriately, which leads to high blood sugar levels.

Ways to Prevent Insulin Resistance and Pre-Diabetes

No one disagrees that a healthy and active life is the pillar of safety and well-being in most stages of a person’s life. It is certainly the strong foundation through which we protect ourselves from many diseases, including insulin resistance and diabetes.

Physical activity contributes to reducing insulin resistance, while a healthy and balanced diet protects against sudden and significant increases in blood sugar. In this regard, Dr. Ashraf recommended avoiding refined carbohydrates and drinks rich in sugar, and instead focusing on consuming whole grains, low-fat meat, and vegetables. He also stressed the importance of getting enough sleep at night, given the role of lack of sleep in increasing levels of cortisol, the so-called stress hormone, which exacerbates insulin resistance.

Weight Loss and Its Relationship to Preventing Diabetes

Ashraf pointed to the innovative work carried out by his colleague Professor Roy Taylor at Newcastle University in the United Kingdom. His research has succeeded in achieving a radical shift in the understanding of type 2 diabetes. His clinical experience in treating diabetes has shown what weight loss can achieve in terms of improving the condition of diabetics. This revolutionary study paved the way for many healthcare systems to provide intensive weight management programs for diabetics to benefit from.


Dr. Ashraf encouraged adopting a proactive approach by saying: “Responding early increases the chances of preventing type 2 diabetes.” Praising the UAE’s commitment to health education and preventive care, stressing the positive role of these conscious practices. Programs that encourage healthy eating and physical activity are essential components of the diabetes journey.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is insulin resistance?
A: Insulin resistance is a condition in which muscle, fat, and liver cells fail to respond appropriately to insulin, the hormone responsible for controlling blood sugar levels.

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Q: What are the risk factors for pre-diabetes?
A: The risk factors for pre-diabetes include family history, lack of physical activity, and weight gain, especially with fat accumulation in the waist area.

Q: How can I prevent insulin resistance and pre-diabetes?
A: You can prevent insulin resistance and pre-diabetes by following a healthy and active lifestyle, including regular physical activity, a balanced diet, and getting enough sleep at night.

Q: What is the role of weight loss in preventing diabetes?
A: Weight loss can play a significant role in preventing diabetes by reducing insulin resistance and improving blood sugar control.

Q: How can I monitor my blood sugar levels?
A: You can monitor your blood sugar levels by using a continuous blood sugar monitor or by working with a healthcare provider to develop a personalized monitoring plan.

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