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Hot Flashes and Cancer Link

Hot Flashes and Cancer Link

Hot Flashes and Cancer Link

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Hot flashes can be considered a permanent summer for women; they begin to haunt them as soon as they enter menopause between the ages of 45 and 55, and after that for a period that may be long or short depending on each woman. The feeling of them indicates entering menopause, and it is a sudden feeling of heat often accompanied by sweating. In some cases, hot flashes may be a sign of cancer, so what is the reason for that? What is the relationship between hot flashes and cancer? How can we differentiate between whether these flashes accompany menopause or are they a clear symptom of cancer?

Symptoms of Hot Flashes

A sudden feeling of heat, where the feeling of heat usually begins in the upper part of the body, such as the face, neck, and chest, and then spreads to the rest of the body. Excessive sweating. Skin redness, where redness occurs in the face and neck due to increased blood flow to these areas. Feeling cold or chilly after a hot flash. Increased heart rate, which may also be accompanied by dizziness. Anxiety or tension, due to feeling uncomfortable and uneasy, as hot flashes are the most annoying symptom of menopause for women.

What Causes Hot Flashes?

In general, according to Dr. Amina Al-Asali, the most common cause of hot flashes is menopause, the "age of hope", when hormone levels change significantly, especially with the decrease in estrogen and progesterone levels. There are also other causes, the most common of which are cancer and the side effects of treatment.

What Increases the Feeling of Hot Flashes?

Smoking: According to published studies, women who smoke are more likely to suffer from hot flashes during menopause. Obesity: A higher body mass index (BMI) is associated with a higher frequency of hot flashes. Race: Black women are more likely to experience hot flashes, and Asian women are less likely to experience them.

Are Hot Flashes a Symptom of Cancer?

Yes, in some cases hot flashes may be linked to cancer in some cases such as: hormonal therapy, side effects of chemotherapy and radiation therapy, psychological effects of undergoing chemotherapy, and genetics and individual drug sensitivity.

Does Breast Cancer Cause Hot Flashes?

Yes, hormonal treatments cause hot flashes as one of the most important side effects of hormonal treatment for breast cancer, where the affected woman feels repeated attacks of sudden warmth accompanied by sweating.

Can Hot Flashes Caused by Cancer be Overcome?

When it is confirmed that there is a relationship between hot flashes and cancer, you must consult a specialist doctor and mention all the symptoms to him so that he can provide treatment options that reduce the severity of the symptoms and achieve coexistence with hot flashes.

Are There Other Causes of Hot Flashes?

Yes, hot flashes and cancer, hot flashes and menopause, and the risk factors mentioned above such as smoking, obesity, and race are not the only causes of hot flashes. There is another important reason that stimulates them, such as the presence of health problems in the thyroid gland.

Do Men Get Hot Flashes?

Yes, men can experience them, especially when it comes to hot flashes and cancer. Where undergoing radiation therapy such as androgen deprivation therapy for men with prostate cancer. It has been reported in this regard that 90% of men with prostate cancer feel hot flashes.

How to Get Rid of Hot Flashes?

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There are always solutions, as some steps can contribute to effectively living with hot flashes by reducing their severity or overcoming them. The most prominent of these solutions are:

  • Wear very light clothing in summer.
  • Drink cold water.
  • Avoid hot foods and spices.
  • Carry a small fan in your bag.
  • Eat healthy food. This is especially true for women in menopause, as they should eat foods that contain estrogen.
  • Avoid smoking as it increases the feeling of it.
  • Avoid stress and anxiety and take measures to reduce their severity, such as achieving relaxation.
  • Consult your doctor about the most beneficial method, especially in the case of hot flashes resulting from cancer.


There is a relationship between hot flashes and cancer, which is the side effects of chemotherapy and radiation therapy for the disease. It can be lived with by consulting a doctor about the best solutions that achieve this, whether they are home or medical solutions, with the need to be careful not to take any medications without consulting him first.


Q: What is the relationship between hot flashes and cancer?
A: There is a relationship between hot flashes and cancer, which is the side effects of chemotherapy and radiation therapy for the disease.

Q: Can hot flashes caused by cancer be overcome?
A: Yes, but it requires consulting a specialist doctor and mentioning all the symptoms to him so that he can provide treatment options that reduce the severity of the symptoms and achieve coexistence with hot flashes.

Q: Are there other causes of hot flashes?
A: Yes, there are other causes of hot flashes, including smoking, obesity, and race.

Q: Do men get hot flashes?
A: Yes, men can experience hot flashes, especially when it comes to hot flashes and cancer.

Q: How to get rid of hot flashes?
A: There are always solutions, including wearing light clothing, drinking cold water, avoiding hot foods and spices, carrying a small fan, eating healthy food, avoiding smoking, and avoiding stress and anxiety.

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