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Healthy Heart Strategies

Healthy Heart Strategies

Healthy Heart Strategies

The Heart and Its Importance

What is the Heart and What Does it Do?

The heart is a hollow organ made up of muscle. The heart and blood vessels are part of the cardiovascular system. The heart pumps blood through the blood vessels, and the blood carries oxygen and nutrients to all parts of the body. The heart must beat constantly throughout a person’s life and never rest, otherwise the person will die; Every minute, the heart beats about 70 times and pumps about 4 liters of blood. The heart beats faster and pumps more forcefully during exercise, physical effort, or in cases of extreme fear and stress, that is, when the body needs more oxygen. When a person checks their pulse, they measure their heart rate, or the number of beats per minute.

Blood Flow and Circulation

Blood moving through the body carries oxygen and nutrients to tissues and organs, and carries waste products to the lungs and kidneys for disposal from the body. The heart plays a vital role in this process, pumping blood through the body’s circulatory system to provide the necessary oxygen and nutrients to all parts of the body.

Dr. Ahmed Fakhri Al-Hemairi on Heart Health

According to Dr. Ahmed Fakhri Al-Humairi, a cardiologist at the Canadian Specialized Hospital, “every year, the world witnesses around 19 million deaths due to heart diseases.” He emphasizes the importance of prevention, stating that it is extremely important in enhancing heart health and protecting it from premature death.

Risk Factors for Heart Disease

The main risk factors that lead to heart disease include:

  • Smoking
  • High blood pressure
  • High cholesterol
  • Diabetes
  • Inactive lifestyle
  • Improper nutrition
  • Constant stress

How to Maintain Heart Health

To prevent heart disease, Dr. Al-Humairi recommends the following methods:

  • Follow a healthy diet: Eating foods rich in fiber and low in saturated fat is one of the most important factors in preventing heart disease.
  • Physical activity: Regular physical activity helps maintain a healthy weight and reduces the risk of high blood pressure and cholesterol.
  • Quit smoking: Smoking is one of the most dangerous factors causing heart disease.
  • Manage stress: Chronic stress can increase blood pressure and negatively affect heart health.
  • Regular medical follow-up: It is not enough to simply adopt a healthy lifestyle, but you must also visit the doctor regularly to perform periodic examinations that include measuring blood pressure, checking cholesterol levels, and examining the heart periodically.

Society’s Role in Raising Awareness

No individual can maintain their heart health alone; Rather, it requires broad community support, including awareness through schools, health institutions, and the media. Public awareness campaigns can help increase people’s understanding of the importance of heart health, and encourage them to make informed health decisions.


On the occasion of World Heart Day, let’s all pledge to take care of our hearts. A healthy heart means a longer and healthier life, and let us take advantage of this opportunity to think about how to improve our lifestyle and enhance the health of our hearts and the hearts of those we love.

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What are the main risk factors for heart disease?

Smoking, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, inactive lifestyle, improper nutrition, and constant stress.

What are some methods to prevent heart disease?

Following a healthy diet, engaging in regular physical activity, quitting smoking, managing stress, and performing regular medical follow-ups.

Can I maintain my heart health alone?

No, heart health requires broad community support, including awareness through schools, health institutions, and the media.

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