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Fastest Weight Loss Solutions 2025

Overcome Weight Plateaus: 10 Effective Strategies to Regain Your Fitness

From Now On, Start Applying the Best Strategies to Prevent Weight Plateau

According to Dr. Hisham, weight stabilization treatment is linked to several factors, including the reason that led to this, the diet and exercise regimen followed, and the woman’s health condition. However, there is no need to worry, as there are many different strategies that may contribute to breaking the weight plateau. Especially if the most appropriate one is chosen, based on the reason that led to the cessation of weight loss.

Track Everything You Eat Daily

Sometimes, eating an unplanned snack, or small bites for taste, or even increasing the amount of certain foods because they are healthy, causes a significant increase in the number of calories consumed throughout the day, which leads to no more weight loss. Therefore, one of the effective ways to break a weight plateau is to track everything that is eaten during the day, and to review this diary to determine whether the reason for the weight plateau is the result of a lack of discipline in the diet or if there is a need to renew or make some adjustments to the diet, especially after a long time.

Reevaluate Your Body’s Need for Calories

A woman or girl’s body’s need for food may vary after losing a lot of excess fat during weight loss. Therefore, reducing more calories by 100-200 calories than previously can help break the weight plateau. One of the methods used to accurately determine the body’s need for calories is to conduct a metabolic test, which reveals the body’s metabolic rate during rest, and accordingly, the optimal number of calories is determined with the aim of losing weight or overcoming weight stability.

Eat More Fiber

Fiber is considered one of the most important nutrients that it is recommended to eat more of to treat weight stability, at a rate of 30 grams per day, especially from "oats, nuts, cucumbers, chia seeds, berries, apples, and dark leafy vegetables."

Eat More Protein

Consuming 20-30 grams of protein in each main meal while losing weight may contribute to breaking the weight plateau and achieving the following benefits:

  • Promote the body’s metabolic rate, more effectively than fats and carbohydrates.
  • Increase the rate of burning calories after eating a meal containing high protein, by up to 30%.
  • Stimulate the production of some natural hormones responsible for reducing appetite and feeling full, such as the short peptide hormone PYY, in addition to inhibiting the stomach secretion of some appetite-stimulating hormones, such as the hormone ghrelin.
  • Prevent loss of muscle mass; Loss or decrease in muscle mass in the body causes a slowdown in the metabolic rate, which is one of the reasons for weight stability.

Don’t Give Up on Probiotics

Adding probiotics to the diet helps in treating weight stability because of its role in enhancing the beneficial bacterial system in the digestive system, which has an essential role in balancing the desire to eat. You can get probiotics from nutritional supplements or from natural sources, such as sauerkraut, yogurt, and sourdough bread.

Drink More Water

Not drinking enough water daily can be one of the reasons for stable weight; So make sure to drink enough of it, in order to achieve the following benefits:

  • Maintain the body’s moisture, thus maintaining the efficiency of vital processes, including metabolism.
  • Reduce the feeling of false hunger, as the body may not always be able to distinguish between the feeling of hunger and the feeling of thirst, so if you feel hungry shortly after eating, it is recommended to drink water first before eating again.
  • Enhance the process of eliminating waste and excess fluids from the body, thus breaking the weight stability resulting from the accumulation of waste or fluid retention in the body.

Control Your Stress

Many women are exposed to various causes and events that may cause them stress. One of them is the intense focus on losing weight, but this tension or psychological pressure may be one of the reasons for difficulty in losing or maintaining weight as a result of the desire to eat, and the rise of the hormone cortisol, also known as the stress hormone, the rise of which causes the body’s tendency to store fat at a greater rate, especially in the abdominal area; Therefore, controlling it and trying to relax helps overcome weight stability, or what is known as the plateau.

Sleep at Regular Times

The number of hours of sleep affects many factors that play a role in weight loss, such as metabolic rate and fat storage, stress hormone levels, and appetite-regulating hormone levels. This is why getting enough sleep every day, at a rate of 7-8 hours, helps break the stability of the weight on the scale.

Increase Your Movement Rate Throughout the Day

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Increasing the rate of physical activity outside of training hours in the gym contributes to breaking weight stability, as this plays a role in burning more calories and maintaining an optimal metabolic rate, especially for those who work in office jobs or spend most of their waking hours in a state of inactivity or sitting.

Modify Your Exercise Regime

There are several strategies that can be followed or included in the exercise regimen followed to break the weight plateau, the most prominent of which are:

  • Increase the intensity of the exercise or the number of repetitions, in order to reverse the slowdown in the metabolic rate resulting from the body’s resistance to losing more weight.
  • Practice or add more resistance training, as resistance exercises enhance muscle mass, which has a role in raising the body’s burning rate. This is why it is recommended to do strength exercises at least twice a week.
  • Practice high-intensity interval training, or what is known as HIIT exercises, which is a training system based on alternating between raising the intensity of the exercise (increasing the speed of the exercise) for a period of time and then returning to practicing it at a normal speed.


In conclusion, weight stability is a common challenge that many women face during the stages of weight loss, but it is not inevitable. By following the strategies outlined above, you can overcome weight stability and regain your fitness and harmonious figure quickly.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What are the most common reasons for weight stability?
A: Weight stability can be caused by a variety of factors, including a lack of discipline in the diet, not eating enough protein, not drinking enough water, not exercising regularly, and gaining muscle mass.

Q: How can I overcome weight stability?
A: You can overcome weight stability by tracking your food intake, reevaluating your body’s need for calories, eating more fiber and protein, and increasing your movement rate throughout the day.

Q: What are the most effective exercises for breaking weight stability?
A: The most effective exercises for breaking weight stability include high-intensity interval training, resistance training, and strength training.

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