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Eggs: Cholesterol Myth Debunked

Eggs: Cholesterol Myth Debunked

Eggs: Cholesterol Myth Debunked

Eggs and Cholesterol: Fact or Myth?

Eggs and Cholesterol: Fact or Myth?

Many opinions have been raised about the relationship between eggs and cholesterol over the years. For many years, some scientific studies have confirmed that eggs are among the most famous foods that lead to an increase in the level of harmful cholesterol in the blood. (LDL)Therefore, according to these studies, the more it is consumed, the more likely it is to cause heart and arterial diseases.

What is Cholesterol?

Before we answer the question “Do eggs raise cholesterol? Fact or fiction?”, it is important to understand what cholesterol is. It is a waxy substance found in all cells in the body and is essential for the production of hormones, vitamin D, and substances that help digest food. Cholesterol is divided into two types:

Bad Cholesterol (LDL)

This type is associated with an increased risk of atherosclerosis and heart disease.

Good Cholesterol (HDL)

It helps transport cholesterol from different parts of the body to the liver, where it is disposed of.

What is the Difference between Dietary Cholesterol and Blood Cholesterol?

Nutrition expert Moataz El Sherif says that the difference between dietary cholesterol and blood cholesterol is very big. This is because dietary cholesterol is what we get from foods, such as eggs, red meat, and dairy. In contrast, blood cholesterol, which can harm health if it exceeds its normal levels, pointing out that the causes of high cholesterol do not go beyond these possibilities, which are: genes, nutrition, and physical activity.

Does Eating Eggs Raise Cholesterol?

A large egg contains approximately 186 grams of cholesterol, the largest percentage of which is found in the egg yolk. Therefore, some scientific studies that have been presented in this regard believe that eating one egg a day may be a very suitable option to obtain the benefits of eggs without harming the health of the body.

The Most Important Recent Studies on Eggs and Cholesterol… Exposing the Myth

Over the past years, and specifically in the last two years, many studies have been conducted that focused on the effect of eating eggs on general health and its relationship to cholesterol. The most prominent of these studies are those published in the Journal of the American Medical Association. (JAMA) Which followed more than 30,000 people for 17 years. The study results showed that eating eggs regularly did not result in a significant increase in harmful cholesterol levels. LDL In the blood or increased risk of heart disease. On the contrary, recent scientific studies have confirmed that eating one egg a day did not have a significant effect on heart and artery health in many people.

Is Eating Boiled Eggs Daily Harmful?

In response to the question: Do eggs raise cholesterol? Fact or fiction? Al-Sharif said that another study published in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition confirmed that eating eggs regularly may have a positive effect on good cholesterol levels. (HDL) In the blood, it is cholesterol that helps protect the heart from diseases, not the opposite.

Statistics on the Nutritional Value of Eggs

Eggs also contain high-quality proteins, vitamins and minerals, as well as antioxidants such as lutein and zeaxanthin, which are linked to eye health and a reduced risk of age-related macular degeneration.. In addition to that, eggs contain choline, a nutrient that plays an important role in brain function and memory. It is also one of the most important elements beneficial to liver health and is considered essential for many biological processes in the body..

Eggs Raise Cholesterol: What Do Modern Dietary Recommendations Say?

Al-Sharif stressed that modern dietary recommendations deny the existence of a direct relationship between eating eggs and increasing harmful cholesterol. Many health institutions have reconsidered their dietary recommendations regarding eggs. For example::

American Heart Association

Recent recommendations indicate that eating one egg per day is safe for healthy individuals and does not increase the risk of heart disease as previously rumored.

Global Health Organization

Don’t set any strict limits on egg consumption, but rather focus on the importance of a balanced diet that contains a variety of foods..

Medical Studies

Many studies have been conducted to clarify the relationship between eggs and cholesterol, and the results have been summarized in that eating eggs in moderation does not increase blood cholesterol levels in most people, and may have only a slight effect in some individuals who suffer from health conditions such as type 2 diabetes..

Eggs Do Not Raise Cholesterol

The body regulates its own cholesterol production. When you eat more of it, the liver reduces its cholesterol production to balance the levels in the body. This means that eating eggs may not cause an increase in cholesterol levels as previously thought, according to Al-Sharif’s explanation of the results of the most important recent studies that denied the myth that eggs raise cholesterol.

What Are the Health Benefits of Eggs?

Al-Sharif stressed the importance of eating eggs and their health benefits, which he mentioned:

Eggs are a Rich Source of Protein

Providing all the essential amino acids the body needs to build muscle and repair tissue..

Eggs Contain Many Vitamins

Such as vitamin B12and vitamin Dand selenium, which are important elements for the health of the body..

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Eggs Contain Choline

Which is important for brain function and liver health..

When Are Eggs Dangerous to Health?

According to Al Sharif, despite the health benefits of eggs, some people should be careful when eating them, such as heart and diabetes patients who are more sensitive to increased cholesterol levels when consuming eggs. These people need to consult a specialist doctor and follow up with them.


In light of recent evidence and studies, it appears that the initial studies that linked eating eggs to increased levels of bad cholesterol are a myth and not based on solid scientific facts. Because eggs do not directly lead to increased blood cholesterol levels in most people, but rather are a healthy part of a balanced diet. For this reason, most people can safely eat eggs without worrying about negative effects on heart health..


Q: Do eggs raise cholesterol?

A: No, eggs do not directly raise cholesterol levels in most people.

Q: Are eggs safe to eat?

A: Yes, eggs are a healthy part of a balanced diet and can be safely consumed by most people.

Q: Can I eat eggs every day?

A: Yes, eating one egg per day is considered safe for healthy individuals.

Q: Are eggs good for my heart health?

A: Yes, eggs are a good source of protein and other nutrients that can help support heart health.

Q: Can I eat eggs if I have high cholesterol?

A: If you have high cholesterol, it is recommended to consult with a specialist doctor and follow up with them regarding egg consumption.

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