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Egg-cellent Health Benefits for Women

Egg-cellent Health Benefits for Women

Egg-cellent Health Benefits for Women

The Benefits of Boiled Eggs for Women

The benefits of boiled eggs for women

"The eggs are a super food that enhances the health of women, strengthens their immunity, and turns between them and many health problems," says Moataz Al-Sharif, an expert.

The benefits of boiled eggs for women are due to 155 calories, and 13 grams of protein per 100 grams of eggs. It also contains 11 grams of fat, including about 3.6 grams of saturated fats and 4.1 grams of unsaturated fats, according to statistics announced on the nutritional value of eggs.

The eggs also contain vitamin A, which enhances eye health, and improve calcium absorption and bone strengthening, in addition to vitamin B12 and omega-3 fatty acids beneficial to heart and brain health. It contains iron in the formation of red blood cells and the prevention of anemia, as well as its richness in phosphorous, which also contributes to improving bone and teeth health, and selenium is the important mineral to protect cells from damage to being one of the most powerful antioxidants.

The benefits of boiled eggs for women:

  • Building tissues and muscles.
  • Improving bone health because it contains vitamin D and calcium, which help to strengthen it and prevent its fragility.
  • Enhancing immunity by improving the general health of women, as eggs contain a group of vitamins and minerals such as vitamins B, iron, zinc, and phosphorous that help improve general body functions and enhance immunity.
  • Boiled eggs are a graceful food, as it achieves weight control because it contains a high percentage of protein that contributes to feeling full for a longer period, which helps reduce the desire to eat excess food.
  • Supporting brain health because it contains choline that plays an important role in improving brain function and strengthening memory, which can be useful in the different stages of life.
  • It is useful for the skin and hair because the proteins and vitamins found in boiled eggs support the health of the skin and hair, which contributes to their strengthening and making the skin brighter, and then maintain the health of the skin, hair and nails.
  • Reduces its brain intake if recent studies indicate that eating 7 eggs per week may enhance the health of the heart.
  • Useful during pregnancy eggs is a rich source of folic acid, which is necessary for the health of the fetus and helps prevent birth defects.

Boiled eggs and fertility of women

The eggs are a natural stimulant that enhances the fertility of a woman by stimulating the ovaries and then increasing the chances of pregnancy with the imposition of safety from other problems that may stand behind the delay in pregnancy, as the eggs contain a high percentage of minerals and vitamins that enhance fertility rates in women along with a number of amino acids, such as choline that also enhance the health of the fetus and not only enhance fertility, according to Sharif.

Boiled eggs

According to the nutritional value mentioned above, it can be said that the boiled is the vitamin of naturally costly beauty, as it contains nutritional elements that help maintain healthy skin, hair and nails.

The benefits of aesthetic boiled eggs for women:

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  • Renewing and strengthening skin cells.
  • Delaying the appearance of signs of premature aging because it contains antioxidants that preserve skin cells and renew them.
  • It enhances the health of the skin and reduces infections, which helps in treating acne and reducing the appearance of wrinkles because it contains vitamin A.
  • Strengthening nails and increasing their flexibility for its richness in protein and biotin, and then protect them from breakage.
  • Enhancing hair growth and making it more powerful and shiny, as well as its high ability to moisturize the hair and prevent hair loss.

What is the best time to eat boiled eggs?

According to Sharif, there is no specific time to eat eggs, as it is an ideal food that can be eaten at any time, but there are some times when it is preferable to eat boiled eggs as follows:

  • In the morning (as a breakfast) as an excellent source of protein that helps in feeling full for a longer period, and provides the energy that the body needs, which makes it a good option at breakfast, especially to serve the goal of losing weight.
  • Boiled eggs is an ideal option after exercising because it is rich in protein that helps in building muscle and repairing damaged tissues.
  • It can be relied upon in a weight loss diet as a snack between meals, because protein reduces the feeling of satiety.
  • Before bed, Al-Sharif stated that there are many rumors about the eggs who have the danger of eating it at night, and this is not a true saying and there is no sound scientific chain of transmission. Also, eating boiled eggs before bed may achieve muscle relaxation since protein helps in the repair and growth process.


The benefits of boiled eggs for women are numerous, and it is an ideal food that can be included in their healthy diet. Whether it is for general health, beauty, or fertility, boiled eggs are a great choice. With its high protein content, low calorie count, and rich nutrients, boiled eggs are an excellent addition to a healthy diet.


  • Are there any potential risks associated with eating boiled eggs?
    • According to Sharif, there are no significant risks associated with eating boiled eggs, but it is recommended to consult a doctor before eating eggs by people who have an allergic reaction, and the mother who exercises breastfeeding must refrain from eating eggs as her child may be suffering from food allergies.
  • Can I eat boiled eggs at night?
    • According to Sharif, there is no specific time to eat eggs, but it is recommended to eat it before bed to achieve muscle relaxation since protein helps in the repair and growth process.
  • Can boiled eggs help with weight loss?
    • Yes, boiled eggs can be included in a weight loss diet as a snack between meals, because protein reduces the feeling of satiety.
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