Breast Cancer Warning Signs

How to Detect the First Signs of Breast Cancer and Prevent it
The first signs of breast cancer are an initial sign that reveals the disease, which is one of the most common types of cancer among women around the world. Noticing and paying attention to its presence is very important, as this helps in early detection of this breast cancer, thus further improving the chances of recovery and treatment, and increasing survival rates by a significant percentage.
How do signs of breast cancer begin?
Dr. Amina Al-Asali, an obstetrician and gynecologist, says that the first signs of breast cancer may appear differently from one woman to another, but there are some common signs that you should pay attention to. It is important for a woman to be aware of her body in order to notice any abnormal changes that occur in the breast area during the initial examination and then to consult an oncologist if breast cancer is suspected.
The most prominent initial signs that may indicate breast cancer are:
- The presence of a lump or swelling in the breast or under the armpit, which is one of the most common symptoms. The lump may be painless at first, but may become more noticeable over time.
- Change in the size or shape of the breast. If a woman notices that one of the breasts has become larger or has changed its shape abnormally, this may be a sign of a malignant breast tumor, but to confirm this, she must undergo the necessary medical tests.
- Abnormal discharge from the nipple Nipple discharge may be an indication of a problem, especially if it is accompanied by blood.
- Changes in the skin of the breast. These changes include redness, peeling, or wrinkling of the skin, which indicates abnormal changes occurring in the breast.
- Breast pain or tenderness: Although pain is not always a sign of cancer, some women may experience unexplained breast pain or tenderness.
What does breast cancer look like at its beginning?
Many women ask this question, and it is a very important question, as cancer usually appears in the form of breast enlargement with increased skin thickness. The skin color may change to red or purple, and some bruises may appear. Therefore, it can be said that the beginning of the form of breast cancer is the appearance of a mass of cells in the breast tissue. This can be considered the first sign of breast cancer that must be paid close attention to, and then consult an oncologist to perform the necessary medical tests.
When does breast cancer begin to spread?
Breast cancer begins to spread when cancer cells begin to leave the original area of the breast and spread to other parts of the body. This stage is known as metastasis or metastasis, and occurs when cancer cells penetrate nearby tissues or travel through the blood or lymphatic system. Some medical procedures may contribute to determining the duration of the spread of breast cancer by knowing the rate of multiplication of cancer cells, as it has been shown through research and examination that most types of breast cancer require 50-200 days to multiply, meaning that the tumor begins in the breast approximately 5 years ago, but in general, it may be difficult to determine an exact time when breast cancer begins to spread, as this varies from one case to another based on the type of cancer and the speed of its growth. Because some types of breast cancer are slow-growing and take a long time before they begin to spread, while there are other types that are more aggressive and may spread quickly.
What factors affect the spread of breast cancer?
There are some factors that affect the spread of the disease, especially after the first signs of breast cancer appear. These factors are:
- Type of breast cancer: Some types, such as “triple-negative breast cancer,” are more aggressive and tend to spread more quickly.
- Tumor size, because the larger the tumor, the more likely it is to spread.
- The extent to which the lymph nodes are affected by the disease, as its spread there portends its spread to the rest of the body.
- The grade of the cancer, because higher grade cancers tend to grow and spread more quickly than lower grade cancers.
What is the importance of breast self-examination?
Breast self-examination is one of the best ways to detect the first signs of breast cancer early. It is preferable to do this examination monthly after the end of your menstrual cycle. If you notice any change in the texture or shape of your breasts, it is necessary to consult a specialist immediately.
How do I detect breast cancer myself?
You can pay attention to any changes that occur in the breast through regular monitoring of the breasts and taking steps to self-examine the breasts to detect breast cancer yourself. Here I would like to emphasize the importance of breast self-examination as an important procedure in detecting any changes in the shape or texture of your breasts. However, although self-examination is important, it cannot replace a medical examination or a mammogram, as it can help detect the first signs of breast cancer.
What are the steps for breast self-examination?
Breast self-examination can be performed by following these steps:
- First: in front of the mirror
This is done by standing in front of a mirror in a bright room, then raising your arms above your head, and looking for any abnormal changes in the shape of your breasts, such as the presence of tumors or lumps, a change in the size or shape of the breast, or wrinkling or drying of the skin. Look for changes in the nipples, such as nipple retraction inward, redness, or abnormal discharge. - Second: Lying on your back
Lie on your back and place a pillow under your right shoulder, then raise your right arm behind your head. Use the fingers of the left hand to gently press on the right breast, then use three levels of pressure (light, medium, and deep) to feel all the breast tissue, from the superficial to the deepest. Then continue by covering all areas of the breast in a small circular motion, starting from the nipple and moving outward in wider circles until you cover the entire breast. Repeat the same procedure with the left breast - Third: While showering
While showering, your breast tissue may be more fluid due to the soap and water, making it easier to spot any lumps or abnormal changes.
What signs should I pay attention to during a self-examination?
This is what you should pay attention to when performing a breast self-examination to detect the first signs of breast cancer or to ensure that there are no signs warning of the disease:
- A lump or tumor in the breast or underarm.
- Change in breast size or shape.
- Abnormal or bloody discharge from the nipple.
- Redness or change in color of the breast skin.
- Wrinkled skin or an orange peel-like texture.
- Unusual pain in the breast or nipple.
When should you visit a doctor?
If you notice any of these signs or changes or are not sure how you feel during a self-examination, it is important to consult a doctor. Here, you should not ignore any abnormal signs, because early detection of the disease and knowing the first signs of breast cancer can make a major difference in the chances of treatment and recovery.
What are the ways to prevent breast cancer?
Commitment to applying the following preventive measures contributes to reducing the chances of developing breast cancer, the most important of which are:
- Exercise regularly.
- Maintain a healthy weight.
- Limit alcohol intake.
- Quit smoking.
- Self-breast examination.
- Commitment to regular examinations and mammograms.
Bottom line:
Identifying the first signs of breast cancer contributes to early diagnosis of the disease and rapid recovery, because delay in diagnosing breast cancer increases the complexity and difficulty of treatment. Therefore, it is essential that you always be aware of any changes occurring in your breasts and perform breast self-examination regularly. If you notice anything abnormal, do not hesitate to consult a doctor.