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Blasted Fasting Effects Uncovered

Blasted Fasting Effects Uncovered

Blasted Fasting Effects Uncovered

Fasting for 7 Days: A Study’s Surprising Findings

The Concept of Fasting

While Intermittent Fasting has long been a concept adopted by fitness aficionados, the idea of fasting itself spans civilizations such as the ancient Greeks, Romans, and Egyptians. In addition to theories around detoxing and boosting the immune system, some people undertake extended fasts in the hopes of harnessing potential metabolic effects such as improving insulin sensitivity and better cell health. But what happens when an individual abstains from food for 7 whole days? A new study has the answers.

The Effects of Fasting for 7 Days

A recent study published in Nature Metabolism aimed to understand the positive and negative effects of a seven-day fast, in order to determine its suitability as a therapeutic intervention. Twelve volunteers who were in good health consumed just water for 7 days. As expected, one of the initial reactions to the fasting was for the body to switch energy sources, from glucose to body fat. Within three days, the participants lost an average of 12 pounds (5.7 kilograms) in body mass. But perhaps more surprising was the rate at which the mass returned following the fast. While a resumption of eating for three days returned the lean body mass, the body fat stayed off.

Beyond Body Mass

In addition to the findings relating to body mass, the scientists also found that specific proteins were restructured during the fast, such as those proteins that support the structure of brain neurons. While more work needs to be done to understand the consequences of these protein changes, and ideal fasting durations, the researchers also uncovered beneficial reactions that could aid in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis and heart disease. “Our results advance our understanding of prolonged fasting in humans beyond a merely energy-centric adaptions towards a systemic response that can inform targeted therapeutic modulation,” reads the report.

Cautions and Considerations

However, the study also highlighted the need for further understanding of the adverse effects associated with fasting. Prolonged fasting is not something that one should attempt at home without proper medical advice and supervision, since it can cause electrolyte imbalances and negative consequences due to nutrient deficiencies. Always consult a health care provider before undertaking any type of fast.


The study’s findings offer new insights into the effects of prolonged fasting on the human body, highlighting both the potential benefits and the need for caution. As research continues to uncover the complexities of fasting, it is essential to approach this practice with a nuanced understanding of its effects and potential risks.


Q: What are the benefits of fasting for 7 days?

A: The study found that fasting for 7 days can lead to weight loss, improved insulin sensitivity, and beneficial changes in protein structure.

Q: What are the risks associated with fasting for 7 days?

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A: Prolonged fasting can cause electrolyte imbalances, negative consequences due to nutrient deficiencies, and other adverse effects. It is essential to consult a health care provider before undertaking any type of fast.

Q: Can I try fasting for 7 days at home?

A: No, it is not recommended to attempt fasting for 7 days at home without proper medical advice and supervision. Consult a health care provider before undertaking any type of fast.

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