Best Bench Press Grip Distance for Chest Gains

The Optimal Bench Press Grip Distance for Maximum Gains
Natural bodybuilder and trainer Jeremy Ethier took to his Instagram account to share his expertise on the correct bench press grip distance for optimal gains. With a large following of over 1.1 million, Ethier’s advice is well worth considering.
The Science Behind the Grip
On the surface, the bench press may seem like a straightforward exercise, but as with all things, learning the correct technique is crucial for achieving optimal results. With a choice of wide, narrow, or medium grip, Ethier pointed his followers towards the data. Research has shown that with a wide grip, you can bench about 5-10% more weight, but at the cost of reduced range of motion and chest stretch. Additionally, some research suggests that it can be riskier for your shoulders. On the other hand, a narrow grip can cause your forearms to bend inwards, recruiting more of your triceps rather than your chest.
Finding Your Bench Press Grip Distance
So, what’s the best grip? According to Ethier, it’s somewhere in between. He explains how to find your bench press grip sweet spot:
- Lay on the bench with your arms straight up
- Pull your elbows back until they make a 90-degree angle
- Then, bring your elbows towards your sides until your thumbs line up with your lower chest
- The resulting space between your hands will be your best grip to grow your chest
With research finding that narrower grips tax the triceps more, and wider grips increasing the risk of shoulder injury, a medium grip makes sense. This grip has been shown to induce hypertrophy and build the chest in much the same way as a wider grip.
- How do I find my bench press grip distance?
- Follow the steps outlined above to find your optimal grip distance.
- Is a wider grip better for me?
- Research suggests that a wider grip can be beneficial for some, but it comes with reduced range of motion and chest stretch, and increased risk of shoulder injury.
- Is a narrower grip better?
- A narrower grip can be beneficial for others, but it may not be the best for chest development.
- How can I get more exercise tips like this?
- Follow Jeremy Ethier on Instagram for more exercise tips and advice.