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Are Plant-Based Meat Alternatives Healthier?” becomes “Plant-Based Healthier?

Are Plant-Based Meat Alternatives Healthier?” becomes “Plant-Based Healthier?

Are Plant-Based Meat Alternatives Healthier?” becomes “Plant-Based Healthier?

Plant-Based Meat Alternatives: Are They Worth the Switch?

A New Study Raises Questions

It’s no secret that plant-based foods contain a number of heart-healthy benefits like vitamins and antioxidants, but while animal products are often thought to clog us up with high cholesterol, a new study has shown that simply switching up your burger to a veggie option may be a waste of time. PBMA’s (plant-based meat alternatives) are becoming a ‘growing’ part of our diets, but if served up as an ultra-processed dish, they could actually be worse for us than meat.

How Was the Study Conducted?

For eight weeks, participants in a study conducted in Singapore were instructed to eat either meat or a plant-based alternative such as a veggie burger as part of their diet. Baseline measurements were taken, including cholesterol levels and blood pressure readings. The data was then analyzed to determine whether there were any statistical differences in the carnivores compared to the plant-based subjects, with a focus on heart health and Type-2 diabetes risk factors.


Meat vs. Plant-Based Meat Alternatives: The Results

Perhaps surprisingly, there were no significant differences in the cholesterol profiles of either the meat or plant-based diets. The meat eaters, however, appeared to have more stable blood sugar levels. Blood pressure was also marginally improved in the carnivores. This may be due to the meat substitutes having less protein synthesis and not being as readily absorbed as animal products. While plants are known to contain many health benefits, the process of adapting them and shaping them into an attractive substitute such as a burger could potentially reduce their nutrient profile.

Ultra processed foods still seem to offer less of an upside than the whole food counterparts, whether they contain meat or not, and this is an issue that food manufacturers will need to address in the long term in order to satisfy plant-based customers. Plant based meat alternatives are often high in sodium and oils, just like processed meats, but can also contain more carbs, leading to higher calories. So, while eating more plants is generally a good idea, there are other studies that suggest that a balanced diet containing meat is still important for a variety of reasons including brain health among other benefits.


The takeaway is clear: always check the label to make sure you aren’t substituting a juicy burger with a plant-based meat alternative that is actually worse off for you. While plant-based meat alternatives may seem like a healthy option, the processing involved in creating them can lead to a loss of nutrients and potentially negative health effects.


Q: Are plant-based meat alternatives always worse for me than meat?

A: No, not always. If you choose a whole, minimally processed plant-based option, it can be a healthy choice. However, if you opt for an ultra-processed option, it may be less healthy than meat.

Q: Why do plant-based meat alternatives contain fewer nutrients than whole plants?

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A: The processing involved in creating plant-based meat alternatives can lead to a loss of nutrients and a reduction in the nutritional value of the final product.

Q: Can I still eat meat and get the benefits of a plant-based diet?

A: Yes, you can. While it may not be necessary to completely eliminate meat from your diet, incorporating more plant-based options and minimizing processed foods can still lead to a healthier overall diet.

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