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Stay Fit in Ramadan

Stay Fit in Ramadan

Stay Fit in Ramadan

The Importance of Sports Exercise in Ramadan

The Key is to Listen to Your Body and Adapt Your Exercises to Your Fasting Schedule

Fasting has a great physical and psychological hardship, but its benefits are many and in all respects. However, some of us who suffer from the troubles of fasting may find it difficult to adhere to a regular sports routine during the holy month, or to follow the exercise they are accustomed to before fasting.

The Best Times to Exercise in Ramadan

The timing of exercise plays a decisive role in maintaining energy and avoiding fatigue. Here’s the best times to exercise:

  1. Before suhoor: The light exercise before suhoor can be beneficial for those who prefer to exercise on an empty stomach while continuing to have a chance to refuel immediately after that. However, it is important that the sessions are short and low density.
  2. Before breakfast: Exercise before breakfast can be 30-60 minutes before breakfast, an effective way to burn fat, because the body is in a state of fasting; However, the density should be moderate to avoid dehydration. The benefit of this timing is that you can renew the nutrients and fluids immediately after exercise.
  3. After breakfast: This is often the most effective time to exercise. Post breakfast sessions allow the training of strength and higher density exercises, because the body has been renewed. Ideally, you should wait for an hour to two hours after eating before engaging in any hard activity.
  4. Training late at night: For those who stay up at night, training is closer to midnight after eating a snack, it can be a great way to train without the need for immediate re-hydration.

A Specially Designed Exercise Routine for the Month of Ramadan

Adapting your training routine to accommodate fasting is necessary; Here are some effective exercise options that Sarah has prepared for us specifically:

  1. Low-Density Heart Exercises (LISS)
    • Best timing: before suhoor or before breakfast
    • Activities: walking, cycling, yoga, or light running
    • Duration: 20-40 minutes
    • Benefits: It helps in maintaining the fitness of the cardiovascularity without excessive energy.
  2. Power Exercises (Moderate Weight, Higher Times)
    • Best timing: After breakfast or late at night
    • Exercises: body weight exercises, resistance ligaments, or moderate weightlifting (such as squatting, impulsion, pressure, and dumbbells)
    • Duration: 30-60 minutes
    • Benefits: Maintains muscle strength while avoiding excessive fatigue.
  3. Job Exercises and Movement
    • Best Time: At any time
    • Activities: Pilates exercises, stretching, body weight exercises, and trunk exercises
    • Duration: 20-30 minutes
    • Benefits: Enhances flexibility, reduces the risk of infection, and general health improves.

Nutrition and Moisturizing Strategies

Providing the body with fuel properly through food, and during hours other than fasting, it is extremely important to continue exercise. Here are some major tips regarding nutrition and hydration strategies:

  • Strategic hydration: try to drink 2-3 liters of water between breakfast and suhoor to prevent dehydration during fasting hours. Coconut water or rich drinks can also help ensure high hydration.
  • Give priority to protein: Supports fat-free proteins such as chicken, fish, eggs and vegetable options, muscle maintenance and recovery.
  • Balanced meals: complex carbohydrates (quinoa, brown rice and whole grains) include sustainable energy, in addition to healthy fats (avocado, nuts and olive oil) to keep you full for a longer period.
  • Avoid manufactured foods and extra sugars: These foods can cause a decrease in energy and hinder exercise performance.

Listen to Your Body

The most important aspect of exercise during Ramadan is listening to your body. If you feel very tired or dizzy, reduce the severity of the exercises or choose comfort. Ramadan is the month of balance – physical, mental and spiritual; Giving priority to recovery and luxury for performance is the key.


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In conclusion; Fasting during the month of Ramadan does not mean that the goals of fitness must be neglected. By setting the intensity of exercises, choosing the right time and focusing on nutrition, you can maintain a healthy and active lifestyle while respecting this holy month. The goal is not to push the body to its maximum limits, but rather to move consciously, and to ensure that strength and ability to endure and spiritual luxury remain in harmony.


Q: Can I still exercise during Ramadan?
A: Yes, you can still exercise during Ramadan, but it’s essential to listen to your body and adapt your exercises to your fasting schedule.

Q: What are the best exercises to do during Ramadan?
A: LISS, power exercises, and job exercises are good options for exercising during Ramadan.

Q: How can I stay hydrated during Ramadan?
A: Drink plenty of water, and consider coconut water or rich drinks, and prioritize protein and healthy fats in your diet.

Q: Can I exercise at night during Ramadan?
A: Yes, you can exercise at night, but make sure to eat a snack before exercising and avoid excessive fatigue.

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